Aquaculture could help decrease the consumption of fish without taking away from over-harvested environments.

There are pros and cons to all things, Aquaculture has more recent pros that we should discuss. But first we highlight the well known cons of this argument.
Keep in mind there are many ideas in the Aquaculture industry that seem like a good idea until the Pilot programs are conducted and the amount of damage reveled outweigh's the benefits. Some examples of Negative impacts of Aquaculture include;
Forage fish impacts: Though some aquaculture species are raised on vegetarian feed, many, particularly more recently domesticated species like salmon, require wild fish rendered as fish meal and fish oil for their food
Habitat destruction
Disease transfer
Net Pen Farming and Cage Farming allows supplements/ nutrients/ antibiotics discharge travel via currents and effect local algae blooms like red tide etc.

The potential of Aquaculture becoming more successful is dependent on reducing the Environmental impacts. Feed Alternatives utilizing Aquaculture are the first steps towards positive results that have minimal environmental impacts. The Twilight Zone is a vital part of the food chain in our Ocean, and is at great risk of disappearing altogether to support the Fish Feed and Agriculture Feed industries. According to Rick Barrows, founder of Aquatic Feed Technologies and USDA feed researcher, this is a major issue for the future of the aquaculture industry: “There is just not enough of the current fish-based ingredients available to match the expansion of aquaculture as the human population grows.”
There are three favorable feed alternatives that will help support the Feed industries and keep the fish we harvest from the oceans for human consumption. The three promising ingredients in aquaculture feeds that may supplement (or even replace) feeds are;
Advanced Plant Based Proteins
Algae (Leads to better animal health and nutrition)
Insect Protein

Feed is the largest input cost for most Aquaculture operations. Byrne Ocean Conservation is now investing into alternative feed opportunities generated by Aquaculture.